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Select Board Meeting Minutes 6/6/18
Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 6/6/18

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Carol Edelman, Chairperson, Kenneth Basler and Donald Coburn

Also in attendance: Joe Baker, Mary Makuc, Laurie Shaw, Peter Chait, Evelyn Vallianos, Shawn Tryon

The Board met with members of the Friends of Wilson McLaughlin (FWMH) to discuss the following with regards to the Community Center Operations:
  • Copies of the draft MOU were distributed as well as a summary report of fees collected from the Community Center and a draft FY19 budget.  Since this is the first time the FWMH are seeing the MOU it was agreed that this should be taken home to review and comment on at a later date.
  • The projected budget costs for operating the Community Center come in much higher than the $6,000-8,000 originally projected ($11k) not including the FWMH’s proposed paid staff (additional approximately $5k) or their separate web hosting.  With the proposed revolving account the monies coming in total much less and some of those funds need to be allocated for repairs and maintenance at Bally Gally.
  • There were concerns about how high the Verizon bill has been ($110/month;) when it was set up it was only supposed to be $60-70/month.  M. Noe will get the bill details to the Community Center and they will follow up on this.  Later in the meeting the Select Board reviewed the bill and suggested one savings would be to purchase an answering machine saving $20/month, instead of a Verizon voicemail account.
  • Suggestion for lowering the budget that were made: Lowering the number of times the building is cleaned and looking into Verizon’s charges.
  • The Board discussed the proposal for a paid employee which makes the budget substantially larger than the revolving fund would allow.  The FWMH were firm that without a paid employee the Community Center cannot operate.  To date the administration has been done by volunteers.  Their proposal is for for 5 hours a week at $20/hour for 50 weeks.  The Board felt the $20/hour rate was high compared to what other part time administrative staff are being paid.  The Board suggested $15/hr.  Later in the meeting the Board unanimously voted to a $15/hour rate.
  • Carol suggested that we propose an expense line item separate for the paid employee, and pay for other operating expenses out of the revolving fund.
  • We will meet again next week to finalize everything.
Miscellaneous Items Reviewed:
  • The Board reviewed the Library Trustees’ response for a meeting to discuss their April minutes and the position of Library Director and associated benefits.  The Trustees did not respond with a date, but sent copies of the Trustee’s 1/15/15, 3/2/15 and 4/13/15 minutes.  The Select Board minutes of 3/9/15 were also reviewed which stated: “Mickey Jervas and Mark Makuc came in at the request of the Board to discuss the library’s request to increase the Library Director’s position to 20 hours a week which would entitle this position to insurance and retiree benefits. ~Mark has stated that he is not interested in health insurance and would waive his right to that but will be joining the Berkshire Retirement System which will cost the town more money (7% of the positions salary). ~It was noted that while Mark may waive the option to take the insurance if someone else were to take the position for whatever reason that person may choose to take the benefit. ~The trustees stated they would reevaluate the position and hours necessary and any benefits that may go along with the position (although it was noted that 20 hours would still be necessary) should Mark leave. ~The Board stated that they are looking deeper into this proposal as it will affect the town long range; the Board respects the Library Trustees decision but felt it was necessary to talk it out further. ~It was agreed to allow the proposal to remain as is.”  Don Coburn made a motion that this item/discussion be moved from the agenda until such time that the Library Trustees or the Library Director ask to be heard at a Select Board meeting.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  • Planning Board vacancy: Don suggested that we ask the Planning Board to recommend a person to fill the vacancy.
  • General Store update: A real estate agent is reviewing a number of offers on the store.
  • Roadside Store hours: Don believes that Gould Farm should consider keeping the Roadside Store open 7 days a week until the General Store is up and running and suggested that the Board Chair should contact them to ask.  Kenn stated that the Roadside Store is a program and the program needs do not dictate a need for this.  Carol will reach out to the Gould Farm Director.
  • Bally Gally Lease: The Board discussed whether or not to keep the rent at the current amount or raise it.  It was agreed to keep the rent the same.
  • M. Noe and S. Tryon will be meeting with the transfer station attendants today to remind them that any concerns or complaints with regard to returnables/recyclables go through the proper channels and not be raised with the residents.   This change in procedure was not a Select Board decision; the way it was being handled was in violation of Mass General Law, as it is a conflict of interest and ethic violation for attendants to collect the cans and keep the monies Returnables/recyclables will now be included in the general glass/cans bins.
  • Special Town Meeting Warrant: It was agreed to add an amendment (to be provided by the Council on Aging) to the current Council on Aging bylaw to allow more members; this request was made by Kay Purcell.
  • Carol expressed her concerns about the unmowed lawn at the Post Office and felt it was worth a discussion about the unkempt appearance of downtown.  Carol and M. Noe have spoken to the Postmaster about this.  The Building Inspector will be asked for an update on the status of the Tea Room as that is also an eyesore downtown.
The Board met with Shawn Tryon, Director of Operations to discuss the following:
  • Baseball field: The Board received a complaint about the status of the baseball field.  The complaint has been forwarded to the Parks Department as this falls under their jurisdiction.  Shawn was asked to look at the field and see if the highway crew could make any interim fixes until our Contractor can come out and do what is necessary and contracted for; Shawn stated that with the loss of the mowing contractor and his guys using up their vacation time he did not have the time.
  • Shawn requested permission from the Board for temporary, over-sized signs to be placed out announcing the Fire Company annual steak roast.  A motion was made to approve this request which was seconded and unanimously approved.
  • The crew has been picking away at the mowing.
Misc Continued:
  • Broadband update: Carol recused herself from the conversation.  There isn’t any current movement on the financial report.  There will be a meeting with Town Counsel regarding the legal ramifications of the accounting firm signing any legal documents.
  • Warrants were signed.
  • Minutes from 5/30/18 were approved.
  • Administrative Assistant’s weekly report was reviewed.
A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 11:35am

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk